Nowadays, a lot of people know how to use those comment
shortcut keys for the computers on the left side, such as CTRL +X, C, V for
cut, copy, and paste; and 90% are right handed. As I am an ambidextrous,
sometimes I switch both hands on purpose, especially when my right hand gets
tired. Some people might have a hard time to adopt to use their left hand to use
the mouse as a “new habit!”, because they will have hard time to work on those
shortcut keys on the other side. If they can do it without that big moves, which
might make them have less interesting to use the wrong hand on working. In fact,
the keyboard also has those most comment shortcuts on the other side, which
maybe make for lefties, and those shortcuts are Shift + Delete, CTRL+ insert,
and Shift + Insert, and those shortcuts also for cut, copy and paste. Those shortcuts
keys give convenient for the time when you use your mouse by left hand. It might be also suitable for the people who
need to use a lot of copy and pastes on their works.
And I did some testing on Notepad, and MS office, and they
work perfectly.
CTRL + X Cut
CTRL + C Copy
CTRL + V Paste
Shift + Delete Cut
CTRL + Insert Copy
Shift + Insert Paste
I hope you like it.